Just after writing this short piece, I listened to a few interviews of Neil Young on NPR's Fresh Air. Young hit my feeling exactly on my lack of a regular writing habit:

"I only try to write when I feel like writing. But if I feel like writing, I don't care what else is going on, I won't do it. I will write...If a[n] idea comes to me out of nowhere, I look at it like a gift. It's not a distraction. Everything else in the room is a distraction. I don't care what it is. So in that way, I'm committed. I'm committed to the muse. I roll with the muse wherever it goes. If it comes to me, I'm going with it...And you just have to be there and ready with open arms to take it in and then send it back out in a form that people can understand or that people can enjoy."

Source: https://www.npr.org/transcripts/1141860222

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Tom, thanks for the very nice mention of Zero Retries. I'm glad to have you as a subscriber. I too followed the "one of the amateur radio blogs" you reference, and I feel the same way you do about that author's decision. I discuss my philosophy about Zero Retries publication model in this week's issue, which will appear on Friday 2022-12-16 at 15:30 Pacific.

Like you, I'm impressed with Substack - in my opinion they're doing a great job enabling small authors like you and I.

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